The names of the teas were relished and recited: Gallant Mask of Mirth, Down of the Damask Dove, Lair of the Green Dragon, Wistful Glen of Pewter Fog, Pirouette of the Dancing Cloud, Shy Panda, Lazy Water Lily, Evening Snow Diamonds ...
We were all comfortable by now and began to enjoy ourselves, throwing adjectives and descriptions aorund more confidently. One tea was pungent, alfalfalike, vegetative, wtih a deep nose. Another was rich, mild, elegant, with a lingering sweetness and a liquor color of a pale avocado.
-from The Agony of the Leaves: The Ecstasy of My Life With Tea
a lovely book by Helen Gustafson, champion of fine tea in America, tea buyer, introduced the art of tea onto Chez Panisse's menu, taught afternoon tea, and enjoyed mis-matched sets of tea cups and saucers
Lapsang Souchong by Lura Astor