Friday, January 14, 2011

Yoga and Wine

Living in Wine Country 

QUESTION: What does a yoga practitioner and a bottle of wine have in common? They both Breathe.
Research confirms that drinking

gives same benefits as yoga !

Position of total relaxation

Also called the corpse pose

Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs

Stimulates the midriff area and the spinal column

Excellent for back pain and insomnia

Great exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms

Excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms

Ananda Balasana
This position is great for massaging the hip area

This position is for ankles and back muscles

Teacher's Disclaimer: anyone who knows me knows that I get high on life, body work, teaching, laughter and the study of smells. In the above photographic depictions, I recommend the non-abusive way to enLIGHTening your body-mind-spirit-emotions ... if you have any genetic predispositions towards alcoholism ... stay away from the bottle. And, while you can drive after yoga, have someone else drive after you've been imbibing. Also, there are more homeless than ever, so help out in your community. 

photos: I don't yet know who to credit